Loring, Jon. (1994). 49-Jun-453 Montana Creek Fish Trap Site, Juneau, Alaska: the excavation of basket-style fish traps.
Before the Montana Creek fish trap, no basket style fish trap had been recovered in an archaeological context (Loring, 1994, p. 3). A retired fish and game employee named Paul Kissner reported the trap site to the Alaska State Museum. After getting permission from the City and Borough of Juneau, the excavation would then take place. There were two wood samples excavated from the site in 1990 that were dated to approximently 700 years ago (p.4). This comes back to traditional spruce root lashings. They can obviously hold under water and silt for hundreds of years. It is simply amazing, to me, that you can build a trap with everything that nature has given to you and have it excavated still in tact.
The pictures above are actual photographs taken from the site. It clearly shows that the knots and lashings are still in tact. Once again, amazing.
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